Table of Contents:
Intro, Pre Mission for-fun voting, Mailing Address
Prophetic Call/Accept/President/Welcome
Mission Maps/Mission Office
Temple Day - January 22, 2013
Farewell Reception - January 27, 2013
Missionary Set Apart - February 19, 2013
MTC 1st Day - drop off February 20, 20131
MTC February-March 2013
Arrial in Arcadia - March 4, 2013
1st Area March 2013 - La Puente - Covina West Zone
2nd Area June 2013 - San Gabriel - North East LA Zone
3rd Area December 2013 - Chino - East Zone
4th Area July 2014 - Arroyo - East LA North Zone
Birthday greetings to the family

CA-Arcadia Mission Video (youtube posting)
Elder Braden Stohlton's website

March 2013 - 1st Area
La Puente - Covina West Zone

March 11, 2013
Hola Familia!

This has been quite the exciting first week so far. First off, I am at the library and finally got onto the computer. I kept getting confused and tried signing on to the wrong computer. Thankfully a couple Asian men were excited to help me haha! And one of them got off and let me use the computer. How nice!

I arrived to the airport last Monday and then flew off to CA. It was quite exciting. President Becerra was waiting for us, so I made sure to give him a big smile and wave. He took us out to lunch at a Mexican restaurant named Rudy's or something close to that. He was very impressed with my spanish. He said I have been the best white girl arriving in being able to speak spanish. And it turns out I am the very first 19 year old sister of this mission, so I feel slightly famous!

I met my new companions, Hermana Laree LaPierre (Boston, MA July 2012 - January 2014) and Hermana Laura Johnson (Richmond, VA Oct 2012 - April 2014) They are very nice! Hermana Johnson kind of likes to observe me and watches me pick out outfits and do my make-up and stuff. It makes me laugh a little inside. And Hermana LaPierre is short and wears a size 1 shoe. She is kind of spunky and has a pretty good accent as well. We visited one person and I think that summed up that day. We also visited the bishop. (I forgot my journal so I had all this stuff I wanted to include but forgot.)

It is kind of funny because we practice doing role-plays to investigators on my stuffed animal dog. I knew it would come into use! Wow there is still so much, I don't even know where to continue.

We stopped by to see a 75 year old guy named Jose. He lives in the midst of an Asian apartment complex. He says none of them say hi to him, and he's tried to make friends with them. He even taped his eyes back to try and blend in and look Asiain haha! He's been busy, but he is so far a potential investigator.

We also visited this really large guy who is a menos activo (less active) -it's hard to translate to english sometimes.....anyway he had a little Chihuahua dog thing named Chaquita. That little thing just went crazy and was jumping on everyone. It also shed so much on Hermana LaPierre's skirt that she could have made a fur coat out of it! Oh my. And we helped him clean out his shed while he sat there talking to us. The shed REEKED!! And we offered to take some of the stuff to good will for him. So our car currently smells of his stuff. But after the library we are taking that trip to the Good Will.

The food has been superb so far. I've only had to make dinner once. I was suprised one day though for dinner to find fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, and mashed potatos. But I still ate it happily. I'll have to add the other interesting stuff later cause I can't remember.

But yesterday at church, I wasn't paying attention to the counselor in the beginning, and then all of a sudden all these heads turn to me. Then Hermana LaPierre told me to go up. I thought she said to just stand up, so then I was looking around. Then the counselor, after 3-5 awkward seconds, motioned me to come up. So I walked up and had to introduce myself and share a quick testimony. I did well under the pressure though. Then we visited a guy named Juan Martinez last night. He has the desire to change so badly. We ended up spending 2 hours in his little garage house trying to get him to pray. We all kept telling him why it was important, and he wanted to so badly, but just kept getting scared and didn't feel confident. And he was expressing his feelings to us. I told him that the way he was expressing himself to us was just the same as expressing himself to Heavenly Father. (Other people contributed powerful stuff as well that really helped him.) But it was after that, that he got up the courage and prayed! It was such a beautiful heart felt prayer! And I was even shocked that during it four tears came down my face!!! Which says a lot right there. It really is amazing how that one scripture says, where two or three are gathered in my midst I am there too. Here we were in a little garage and that was the most powerful I have ever felt the Spirit. It was a wonderful way to end the night. And I am so excited and eager to get back to work tomorrow!!!

Love, Hermana Taryn Victoria Stohlton

This spotted on one of Taryn's companion's blogs; Sister LaPierre:
March 4, 2013 - "We got a call from the APs last night around 10:15 to let us know that another hermana is coming in TODAY and needs somewhere to go. So we'll be training her. Yes, this is not normal- transfers were 2 weeks ago. the flood is coming in and they don't want missionaries in the MTC if they don't need to have them. the mission is going crazy right now. supposedly next transfer there's supposed to be 8 or 9 new hermanas coming in, which means that essentially every spanish hermana will have to train and/or open new areas. BRING IT ON!"
March 11, 2013 - "We have our new trainee! Her name is Hna. Stohlton and she is the first 19 year old hermana in the Arcadia mission! It is definately different training her than it was my other trainee, but she's doing well, especially considering she only had 12 days in the MTC and she's 2 years younger. She has an interesting background- she's completely white, from UT, etc. but her parents both served spanish missions and so they raised their kids speaking both! She's not fluent completely, but it's really interesting because she learned it like a native, so she just inherently uses tenses without having to think about it. (Her parents are genius.) Anyways, she's a good addition to our companionship. It's kind of intense though because of all the missionaries that are coming in in 3 weeks, we have to get her ready to either train, or be a with a really inexperienced missionary (someone that's probably been in only like 2 weeks more) in 3 weeks. It's crazy- we don't know what they'll do with us, so we'll see. "

This spotted on one of Taryn's companion's blogs; Sister Johnson:
March 4, 2013 - "So here's the other exciting, scary, intense news... We're training here in Rimgrove! Yes that's right. Two will soon become three once again! We have no idea who she is or anything about her, we just were told last night at 10 that we have to pick her up at 3 today. That means training new sisters begins now for me! It'll be way interesting since we're both training her, I feel more on the still being trained side of things though. But this month will be great! Training is so awesome!"
March 11, 2013 - "New companion! Hermana Stohlton from Utah. The first 19 year old sister in the mission! She's cute, reminds me a lot of my friend Brooke Adams from BYU (shout out to her if she's reading!)" Editor's note: Brad Adams was a roommate of Papi's in college--Brooke is his daughter.

So Cal greets Taryn

March 18, 2013
Hola mi amable Familia!

Hermana LaPierre is from Boston Massachusetts, and Hermana Johnson is from Richmond Virginia. And whenever I introduce myself from Utah, people aren't that impressed.....haha.

Well Fridays are no car Fridays. We walked a little over ten miles and the sun was amazing! I was soooo tired the next morning though. Other than that we don't walk much. The highest so far has been 91 degrees! I am a freckle face once again. And practically every single day we eat at members' houses. The food is always so delicious! I did have to eat fish again was a little bit slimier than the last experience, but it was fried. The lady kept on accusing me of not liking it hahaha! Oh well.

The discussions are going extremely well. On Friday we picked up a bunch of potential investigators. But with one of our investigators, Juan Martinez, yesterday he agreed to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized on April 21!!! He changed a lot in the whole course of a week. We left the restoration movie with him and he watched it three times and actually read the chapter in the Book of Mormon we assigned to him. He struggles with reading and learns a lot better listening. Sounds just like me! We assured him we would find the Book of Mormon for him on a cd. His only duda is that he is addicted to drugs and has drinking problems. I asked him if he would put his faith in Jesus Christ to help him get through it. And after a short pause he said yes. And after that was when he really decided that he is going to be ready to be baptized on that day.

Also we visited a guy named Toni. He seems so prepared by the Lord to have met us. And he actually had a Book of Mormon already, but lost it over the years, so we gave him a new one. But during the course of our huge discussion, he had so many questions and it was almost getting to the point where we were not helping him, cause our answer would create a new question. And he was talking about the Book of Mormon, asking why it was so important, and then would just bring up other points and yadda yadda yadda. It was close to nine, and we were still about 5 miles from home, and needed to walk home. So I finally told him, "Look, we can sit here all night talking about the Book of Mormon and why it's so important, and how it has helped us, but you aren't going to know for yourself until you read it." And I was astonished to see him sit back, and tell me I was right. We could continue on talking, but realized he should read it for himself.

Then we met another guy named Temos. (By the way, except for Juan, all our guys are above 60) We met him outside, in front of a grocery store. He helped me open up a soda because I didn't have a bottle cap opener. That was nice of him! Other than that, Hermana LaPierre did all the talking and got everything set up. That was Friday. We went to his house last night, and he is so ready to hear this message. He has turned everyone else away but us. He said that there is something different about us than everyone else. He talks a lot. All I said was, "Everyone commits sins". And he went on for about 7 minutes about how he tries not to. Then finally I was able to explain how through Jesus Christ we can be clean again. Then more talking. After we talked more I asked him that if God were to tell him that he should be baptized and follow Jesus Christ, would he do so. He said yes. So I have successfully given my first invite to baptism!! Every day keeps getting better here on the mission and I am down to 17 months now. Time flies!! We are receiving 7 new sisters, and I think all Spanish,so there is an excellent chance I will be training in 2 weeks. But we'll see what happens! I love you all!

Con Amor, Hermana Stohlton

Sister Johnson's blog:
March 18, 2013 - "We had the funniest roleplay the other day. (Yes we do roleplays to practice our Spanish, and to simulate scenarios that we might be in). We came in for the night and our apartment was stinky from whatever was in the trash. H. Stohlton commented on it during the roleplay, she asked why it stunk so bad. Then we laughed until H LaPierre cried. Then H Stohlton said "Sometimes our sins can be as stinky as trash." H. LaPierre used her tears, and talked about her "stinky smoking problem." We learned that talking about trash in a contact doesn't really work..."

Johnson, Stohlton, LaPierre Stohlton, Johnson, LaPierre

March 25, 2013
Stohlton Familia!

So this week was pretty adventurous. I ate a raw oyster out of the shell. We were at a converso reciente's house and his nephews were all outside cracking open the shells and putting salt and lime and Tapatio sauce on it and slurping it up straight from the shell. They saw us and we all had to try it! So Hermana LaPierre went first and she just jumped and squirmed a little. (They say it's much easier to not chew it since it's so slimy.....) Then it was my turn.....I felt so nervous! So they had prepared it for me and I was holding it in my hand. Everyone had smiles and were watching me intently. So finally I went for it! But I flipped it upside down over my face and some of the liquid went in my mouth while the other got all over my shirt! And then the actual oyster part stayed stuck to the shell. But I decided oyster liquid was plenty. It actually didn't taste horrible thanks to the strong seasoning. I at least didn't have to face the awful texture of the oyster part. They were all laughing and rushed to get me napkins. So that was the thrill of my week! A nice little adrenaline rush. Oh and then Hermana Johnson almost threw up! I backed away from her in case she was going to.

Also our shower drain was clogged. So we spent a good 30 minutes trying to unclog it. We ended up having to unbend a wire hanger and attach a paper clip and went fishing for the hair ball. We finally got a hold of it and pulled it up. I almost gagged when I saw it. It was the size of a small ferret or something to that sort!!! I got a photo with it but I'm not sending it because from the angle of the camera I had a severe double chin. haha

And this week we didn't end up with too many lessons. We picked up three new investigators so that was good! At the relief society birthday party they played some Minute To Win It games. It was so funny! I kept getting nominated to do all of these things since I was one of the missionaries, of course!

One thing that we are trying to change as a companionship is having the balance of business-like conduct, and being a real human being with emotions and showing that we are friendly. I had no problem saying that. I throw in lots of creative ideas but the other two are sometimes hesitant saying stuff like, "We've never tried that before. We'll have to look into it more." So all I can do is laugh and throw in more ideas to change things up! But they are working on it now. Companionship Inventory is always so much fun jajajaja!

And the changes happening to me are kind of funny! I find myself going up to members or door contacts, giving them a hug and the little latin greeting kiss thing. Not once would I be caught doing that at home. But it does make meeting white people a little awkward now.

We also have a noche de talentos coming up and we are trying to come up with a number with dancing or something. I think I'm going to throw in some gymnastics to spice it up hopefully!

I guess any investigators that you can pray for are Juan, Temos, and Toni. The first two are the main investigators that we have right now.

Anyway, that about sums up this week. So much stuff happens that I can't even remember any of it when it comes time to write it. I love you all and continue being AMAZING!

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton

Apartment Complex
An email exchange between Papi y Taryn:
Papi: A little Papi business trip...take a look at the Apartment Complex photo -- Que piensas?
Taryn: Did you find that photo of my apartment on google maps or did you take it yourself. YO QUIERO LA VERDAD PAPI!!!!!!!!!!!!
Papi: Pues, Google maps...

April 1, 2013

This week was really good! It kind of felt "worldy" over the weekend though. We got special permission to attend a zumba class that an investigator of the elders taught at the church. Let me tell you, it was SO much fun! It's been forever since I've heard upbeat fun music like that. And some of the moves we were doing, half of me felt "oh my goodness should I be doing this as a missionary?" and the other half was "Oh yeah! Enjoy this while it lasts!" And then that night we had our noche de talentos. And we were allowed to use "worldly" music for that. So we thought it would be hilarious to sing You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift and use Helium balloons to make our voices high. First of all, the helium didn't work that well with my voice. Second of all the music was so loud we couldn't really have the squeaky voice be heard. So my thoughts were, forget the balloon and just sing! And of course the microphone was placed right in front of me. I also danced a bit as well to keep the crowd entertained because the other two were hardly doing a thing. And I'm pretty sure that I accomplished that! hahahaha. Some people told me I was the best one out of all three of us.

Also this week, during a dinner/b-day party of an investigator, they put beer on the table as an option to drink. I decided to just stick with the Coca Cola.....jaja. The parents are Fernandito and Ana. We are having a lesson on the Book of Mormon tonight and the importance of it so we'll see how that goes!

So this month we have two baptisms on the 21st for Juan and Temos. They are doing really well.

Also, last night we picked up 5 new investigators! We usually teach an English class outside to someone named Arturo. Then in the neighborhood, everybody is interested and comes filing in one by one and watches. Other adults, teenagers, and the kids. By the end of classes we usually have a crowd surrounding us. We made a surprise visit to them yesterday to share a little Easter message with them. So Angel, Roberto, Cerilio, and Gustavo all enjoyed it. And they want to hear more about the gospel! Tonight we are going to do our English class and then tomorrow we are going to get started with the lessons. Oh it is so much fun being here on the mission! Lots of work though. Thanks for all of your support and prayers. I know life is hard, but it's even harder without the constant companionship or guidance from the Holy Ghost. Continue on being the faithful person that you are! And remember that Heavenly Father is always waiting to hear from you!

Sister Johnson's blog:
April 1, 2013 - "I'm staying in RIMGROVE! Woohooo! And I'm sticking around with H Stohlton! It's going to be good!!!!"

April 8, 2013

This week was kind of exciting with one of our investigators. So this investigator Temos, we have been praying to figure out about more about his life cause everything is on such a surface level. We knew nothing about a wife, or if there was one, or anything really about him. All he wants is the Holy Ghost so that he can feel more tranquilidad and that is it. The most that he has expressed. And then he also wants more guidance for his kids.

So Hermana Johnson and I arrived at our lesson, and he was in a rush to get rid of us. He said it was not a good time and was trying to get us to come back later. Then a lady comes to the door behind him, and opens it up even more. She says, "You guys are missionaries, you talk about religion, come in". So I enter, thinking up some huge scenario that he'd been taking the lessons behind his wife's back, and we are about to get busted and yelled at. She sat us down at the table while the rest of the family is standing. And she burst into tears, talking about how her family is in trouble. She separated from Temos 8 years ago because he was an alcoholic. She then points out each of her kids, in front of them, and tells us each thing they've been doing wrong. "This daughter, she is only twelve and she is sneaking out the back door with people who are really bad and claims they are her friends." "This son right here just turned 18 and thinks he can do whatever he wants, and I want him to avoid drugs and he has a huge attitude." "And this other son is only 21, has a daughter who is two, and the girl he had the fling with left them after the baby was born." Then she went on to beg us for advice for her family, for her kids and how we can help them. It just so happened that Hermana J and I had planned to teach Temos that day about the Plan of Salvation with an emphasis on life on earth. The whole family was crying. The lesson went extremely well and after it was over everybody understood what the purpose of this life is, and that everything we are doing now on earth will have an effect on our after-life. I asked them, "Where would you be if you were to die tomorrow? How happy would you be with your life?" That made them all think. The daughter and younger son live with the mom. And since she was just dropping them off for spring break, she wants to be taught in her own home after the kids come back. And we were able to meet with the kids twice at Temos's house and they agreed to be baptized. Yayyyyyyyy!!!! Temos just loved how we taught his family and said that this time, everybody's relationship was so much better with each other, and that this is the happiest his kids have ever been at his house. The evangelio of jesucristo really does bless families because with everyone working together, the house is in harmony. I really liked Richard G. Scott's talk on how it doesn't matter what situation you are in, you can make Jesus Christ the central part of your home. I am so glad that is what my family and extended family have chosen to do.

Other than that, nothing dramatic happened this week. We did knock on this guy's door by the name of Luzvin and he was drunk. He was in a wife beater and felt extremely embarrassed of his appearance and the activity he was doing. So he told us to come back to teach. We did and he was in a button-up shirt, with his hair slicked back, and was sober. He has amazing potential, though, so if you can pray for him too that would be nice. (He is looking for a wife......but I hope he knows that I'm off limits cause he's not going to get me....jajajaja)

Other than that, nothing dramatic happened this week. We did knock on this guy's door by the name of Luzvin and he was drunk. He was in a wife beater and felt extremely embarrassed of his appearance and the activity he was doing. So he told us to come back to teach. We did and he was in a button-up shirt, with his hair slicked back, and was sober. He has amazing potential, though, so if you can pray for him too that would be nice. (He is looking for a wife......but I hope he knows that I'm off limits cause he's not going to get me....jajajaja)

District Meeting

April 15, 2013
Que tal familia?

Another great week we had. Interesting in some parts actually. Before I begin though, right now I'm sitting next to this man who keeps swearing because he can't figure out how to log in to facebook. It's pretty funny/not funny cause I'm more sensitive to the spirit now to hear him call the computer bad names and telling it to kiss know what. He was wanting me to help him but I had no idea how to! Ay ay ay I am deciding to stay out of this one.

Anyway, we decided to fast an extra day this week. Mainly because we had no time to eat. I think I almost passed out or got really dizzy or something because when I was driving I felt really drunk and everything was spinning. And of course Hna J forgot her license so there was no way she was going to be driving. But that day, we recieved 11 references from one of the members so that was amazing. It's been a while since we've received any. Then yesterday was fast Sunday, and I barely survived! But I do appreciate fasting because that is when you receive really clear, close revelation so that is a plus to it.

With Temos, we have to change his baptismal date to either April 28 or May 5. Because he worked until 4 AM and slept through church. I think he is ready for the 28th but Hna J thinks the 5th, just so that he can make more friends in the church. The only thing is that he is kind of reserved, so I don't think it would be that big of a difference. All I see is that he is ready and striving for baptism. And the poor thing already thinks he's still getting baptized this week still since we have yet to tell him his date is changing. But maybe I'm still naive to missionary work and he could use an extra week. Anyway we're still praying for him to figure it out. His son Fernando has the baptismal date for the 19th of May (Mi cumpleanos ay ay ay!). His only main duda is church isn't really his thing. He hasn't come yet. He said he has no idea why but he just doesn't like it. So we are going to have to work on him a bit more.

We taught Arturo and the other buddies English this week as well. I love working with those guys! About 4 other men huddle around to watch the Americans teach English. And Hna J usually is the main teacher, so I sit there bored. They call me Hna Sol cause they can't say Stohlton. I usually end up chatting with the other 4 to work on my Spanish. There is one that we have been wanting to help paint his house. And so I asked when we could come. He replied, " Where is the paint? Bring it and then we can get started." So then I asked, "Donde esta el dinero? Where's the money?" That got tons of laughter out of the men. So he was searching for some words after that and he said, "in your purse" and of course I had forgotten my purse for that appointment and so I said, I don't have my bolsa! Which got more laughs. Oh man it is so much fun chatting with them all!

Then we got a referral this week from the English elders of a lady who only speaks Spanish but is looking for a church. She is out of our area but we got special permission to visit her once, and then agreed to pass her off to the Elders. We arrived and with in the first five minutes we had learned she was deported back to Mexico, had arrived back in the U.S. only two weeks ago, and walked 5 days and nights in the desert to get here. Also that in that time, her husband had left her already and is with another family. It was really sad to hear that. And all her clothes were in a car that she is using. I assume it's her friends car who she lives with. She sleeps on the ground every night as well and cleans the house in order to eat. So it's sad to hear all her conditions. However, I am sooooo glad we passed her off because she has been very demanding and needy this whole time. Asking us for tennis shoes, asking Elders for money for gas and wants to see the bishop to see how much she can get. I almost got the vibe that her scenario could either be a whole scam, (which it probably isn't) or that she is only "interested" in the church to receive help. Oh, and the police are also looking for her so she had asked us to call her something different than her real name. The only thing that I did want to do for her was go out and buy for her are a new pair of leggings because that would not only be doing her a favor, but everyone else around her cause she has a giant hole in the crotch.....poor Elders.....haha. She actually does have a baptismal date so we'll see if she really follows through!

Other than that, nothing way exciting happened this week except being invited to party with this guy. So I told him we only drink water at our parties. He went on though saying not even Horchata? We told him we love Horchata. And he was asking me if I had a boyfriend, if I like the brown boys (latinos), asked to see my freckles and before I knew it he was rubbing his hand up and down my arm. I pulled it away though. And got complimented that I have nice pechos.....wasn't really sure how to respond other than uncomfortable laughter and being accused of blushing. Poor Hna J was so clueless on that part of the conversation in Spanish. Maybe it was a good thing though. So yeah that sums up this week!


Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Victoria Stohlton

Spotted in Taryn's letter to the family:
April 14, 2013 - "Me encanta hablando Español con todos. Y en este punto en mi vida, no quiero regresar a un barrio de Ingles. Ojala que BYU-I tiene una rama de Español.

Spotted on Sister Johnson's blog:
April 16, 2013 - "Also at the Hispanic market: Some random guy stopped us to talk. He said he liked H. Stohlton’s eyes. I told him that it was because of the light of Christ. Cheesiest thing ever. Totally worked. Sadly he didn’t know his address nor phone number since he just moved. We hope he calls us!

Rimgrove Ward Chapel (part of Covina California Spanish Stake)

April 23, 2013
Hola Familia!

Sorry to leave you hanging yesterday with my absence of an email. We had our interviews with President Becerra and we got stuck at the church waiting for three hours so had no time left over to come to the library. My interview went well. We were supposed to share a scripture on a goal that we have. So I shared Matthew 15:14-16. It is my goal to share my talents as much as possible since I often times like to hide what I have. Also my area right now is the hot spot to be baptizing! I was surprised to hear from earlier missionaries that they hated Rimgrove and that it was a dead area. President asked me how I would feel about training a Spanish speaker when it's time for the next transfer. I told him that my theme of my mission is, "It is not about me". I came out willing to do whatever was necessary. So he said it wasn't set in stone, but I know that is what he is praying about to see if that is what needs to happen or not. Yikes, that will be fun I'm sure!

So on Sunday, I got the lovely privilege of giving a 15 minute talk in Sacrament Meeting. Out of all the missionaries they could have picked, they chose me. I felt so nervous cause it was my first talk in Spanish! But it went really well. My subject was: why I came on a mission and how the members need to help with missionary work. I was able to make everyone laugh a couple of times too! And it was a memorized talk as well! Everyone came up to me, surprised that my Spanish had improved so much. I really hope that I inspired them to get up and work and help the missionaries out.

Juan's baptism went really well! He showed up with a little Toy Story 3 kids backpack holding his change of clothes, which I found comical. It was really fun preparing for the baptism. I took the liberty to be in charge of the filling the font. It was horrifying to find a large bug floating in the water. So I removed it immediately. Also the drain had issues, so the water was slightly draining, and I turned on the water to keep it full and warm. Well, about 10 minutes after we started the baptism program, I realized I forgot to turn off the water. I was starting to panic! I said a desperate prayer begging Heavenly Father to not let the font overflow because that would have been so embarrassing! When we opened the curtains I felt so relieved that the water had stayed in the same place and not overflowed! So I was finally able to calm down and enjoy the baptism.

It was amazing though to see his countenace change after he first came up out of the water. There was so much light in his eyes! And he was so happy afterwards! He shook Hermana Johnson's hand so hard that he broke her ring! She was not pleased about it cause it was one of her grandma's rings that Hna J received after her death. And she did not do a good job hiding that she was mad about it.

Every Saturday at the park when we play soccer, I see this old man driving around in his electric wheelchair searching for old water bottles in trash cans and on the ground, so that he can turn them in to the recycling center for money. Our ward always provides water for us, so I decided to collect a couple of the bottles and give them to him. So I handed them over to him and shook his hand and said buenas tardes. He wouldn't let go of my hand and started mumbling something over and over again and I could not understand him for the life of me! Then I realized he was speaking English. He kept telling me, "I love you. I love you. I love you." He had a really old raspy voice and an accent, which is why it took me a little while to understand him. So all that could tell him was gracias! My other source of entertainment this week was during Relief Society, watching an old lady pluck out her chin hairs during class. I felt slightly grossed out. haha But that's okay. Other than that, I convinced Hermana Johnson to buy red lipstick and it actually looks really good on her!

Anyway, I can tell this is going to be a good week so I will have a lot to report next week. Also, after giving my talk on how the members can help, I want each of you to pray for an opportunity to have a little missionary experience and share the gospel with someone. Or give a referral to the missionaries. Because the missionaries really need your help. Alone in my area, there are 65,000 people the six of us missionaries cover. There is no way we will be able to find everyone who is ready without the help of the members. We live in a very lucky time where the field is white and ready to harvest! And how amazing would it be to live in the time when our church members double in one year, and that you had a part to help with that? President Hinckley said that will happen, and I know it will, with your help. Next week I want to hear about the amazing experiences you guys have had with this. So in other words, I am assigning you lovely family members homework. Enjoy!

Just remember you're always in my prayers! Love you all!

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Victoria Stohlton.
Stohlton, Johnson, Juan, La Pierre

April 30, 2013
Quierido Familia,

I guess P-days are on Tuesdays now. Today I am so tired! We woke up at 4:00AM to get ready to go to the temple and try to find a ride. We had a ride all lined up until 8:30 last night, and then they canceled. So we had to do some desperate finding to get a ride! We found one, but then the elders needed one too. So we gave up our ride with the lady so that all 4 of the elders could go. Then the hermanas serving in Covina said they had extra room for us. So it all worked out in the end. The Los Angeles Templo is so big and pretty! All the four rooms that we went through had beautiful paintings on the walls. Then we went in the visitors center for a little bit after.

Temos was finally baptized on Sunday! That was so exciting. Although hardly anyone showed up for his baptism cause he doesn't really know anyone. (It is so hard to concentrate right now because the library is full of noisy Asians!!!) The water was really full this time. And it was not my fault! It actually really almost overflowed. But we caught it just in time. And the hermano who baptized Temos had to plunge underwater to unplug the water! I also had to give a talk on baptism. I looked/sounded like a nervous wreck! I don't know why, but baptisms are so hard to talk at.

So last week, I was talking about how it was going to be an amazing week and that I could just tell. Let's just say it was not amazing. We could barely find members to go with us to lessons, so we could never really have a full out lesson. So Friday, we did not leave the house until 5:00PM. During companionship inventory Hermana J had a big break down and spent a good two hours crying. So I was trying to be the "therapist" and ask her lots of questions to get all her emotions out. She is having a hard time cause her sister just got married today and she couldn't be there for it. So maybe if you could include her in her prayers, that could help.

We spotted a couple of boys playing basketball. They were in middle school. And we decided to try and contact them. It was Hermana J's idea. And so my thoughts were "okay, this is going to be awkward talking with two little boys, but whatever!" So we walked over and I asked if I could take a shot. So they passed me the ball. I was a pretty good distance away. But before I even shot it, I knew it was going in. I felt it from the Spirit. And of course I shot and it and made it from a really weird angle. The boys were very impressed and said Dang! So I continued to shoot some more. We were able to casually talk with them about Jesus and one of the boys showed us where his house was so that we can return and watch a movie with his family on Jesus. So I am really excited to see how this is going to go. His family is Catholic and go to church every week. So They are very Catholic so it might be hard. We have been praying every day to find a family, so this must be it! If not we have one other potential familia.

So we stopped by last night around 8:30 to visit Luzvin to try and see if we could set up an appointment. It has been so difficult trying to get a hold of him. We saw him on his porch drinking with a few buddies. So he was drunk again when he set up an appointment. But one of his buddies, Miguel, the one that inappropriately complimented me was in the crowd. It was funny to see him again. Thankfully nothing happened again this time, being surrounded by a bunch of drunk men. Luzvin gave us some Jamaica to drink and they thought it was hilarious how I smelled it first before taking a drink to make sure there was no alcohol in it.

Oh and we went to teach a man Gracielo. He is one of the guys from the English class. And he was out by a grill. And Roberto, someone else from the English class was there, drunk......(I have no idea as to why all of my "entertainig" stories happen with drunk men....) He shook my hand and did not want to let go so I had to kind of pry my hand out. He was speaking quite a bit of English, surpsingly. He first apologized for not coming to soccer on Saturday cause we invited them. Then complimented my eyes. And asked how to say "I think of you all the time in English" So I told him. Then he told me in English, I think of you all the time. So all I said was gracias! (I'm just rolling my eyes at this point) Then he went off again about my eyes saying, I don't know why they are just so pretty! Then I told him, "I know why you find my eyes pretty. It's cause I have the Holy Ghost with me all the time. And you can have the same thing as well if you want." His only response to that was, "I have eyes." Why I was trying to teach a drunk man, I don't know. But it was comical.

Well despite all of that, the church is stilll the only true church. And there is NO way to true happiness without it. Love you all!

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton.

How I knew to Serve a Mission by Taryn:
So I always liked the idea of serving a mission growing up. And thought it would be cool to serve one. It was a goal of mine to one day share the same knowledge and happiness that I have with others. But I never expected I would serve so soon. In late august, early september, I began feeling confusions as to what I really wanted in life. I was in college and started to wonder what I was really doing there. I knew I wanted to be a personal trainer but I was feeling like ther was so much more I could be doing with my life. I was also trying to figure out what to do when the semester ended. but all of my ideas seemed to havbe a hole in it and I could never really feel peace about any ot them. So I then went to Braden asking for a blessing because he was at school with me as well. I asked for a blessing to help recieve guidance. In the blessing it stated my answer will come very clearly from the Lord. And to continue pray to Heavenly Father. so I went on in life. It was one of the best blessings I had ever recieved. I felt so much peace after. So I went on in life. a month later I crawled out of bed to watch general conference. And I heard that boys could now leave on a mission at 18. I thought that was cool. but then when he started talking about girls, my jaw drpped. and then he said they could leave at age 19. I almost could not believe it! But stronger than I had ever felt before, the spirit told me right then and therethat is what I needed to do. It was clear and directly from the Lord just as my blessing stated. Being on the mission certainly is not an easy thing. But everyday, there is a little miracle that happens, that reminds me why I am here. If the Lord is so considerate to care for me and have a plan for me, He definitely has one for you. And it may take time, prayers, and fasting to figure it out. But keep the commandements and it will be shown unto you like it was for me.

May 6, 2013
Hola familia!

This last week was quite slow. Everything fell through practically! And it felt almost like a huge waste of time. Finally things picked up on the weekend and we now have a family we are working with! And two more families! So it feels nice to finally have people listening.

We had one lesson with a potential investigator named Toni. I don't remember if I ever mentioned him before or not. He was an interesting one. He believes he is number one around the house and would order his wife to do everything for him. We have never been able to teach a lesson to him but have visited with him many times before. He would always be so full of deep questions. One time I was explaining the difference between our church and the rest is that we have the proper authority from God. Cause he wanted to know how only baptisms from our church are valid. So I related having the proper authority to an ice-cream truck trying to pull a car over for speeding, and giving them a ticket, compared to a police man pulling a car over and giving someone a ticket for speeding. You aren't going to take the ice-cream man seriously, and obviously not pay the bill. So then he asked me, "So what your saying is, the pope and vatican are like the ice-cream man?" And I flat out told him yes. I'm not sure how much he liked that. But we smoothed things over in the end. So finally we had the restoration lesson with him. (Oh and he thinks we're on our missions just to score points with God jaja) That lesson was disastrous. We were trying to explain prophets to him, and he accused us of claiming to be one. I made sure to admit I am not a prophet and never will be. Pretty much, his problem is he has way to much pride to listen. And asked us to not come back. Ay ay ay! We gave him the promise that if he would read the Book of Mormon he would have the desire to be baptized, and he did not like that or take it seriously! His poor wife. Maybe it was a good thing I didn't teach that families can be together forever for her sake.

And I have been officially called fat. A gordita. At soccer on Saturday, everyone wanted me to do my gymnastics for them again. The two Juans hadn't seen it yet. So they were amazed! Later when everyone was taking a break Juan Rivera (someone that was baptized a day before I arrived) told me he didn't want to offend me, but I didn't seem skinny enough to do all those flips. So then I said, "Oh yeah I know!!!! Then Juan Martinez said that I did seem a bit gordita. And so I told him I know!!!!" And he laughed and stated "ooohhh she knows" yeah. That is dramatic news for being a girl! No girl wants to get called fat. But just so you know, I am NOT obese. I found the situation quite hilarious.

Hermana Nuebelly gave me a visor to protect my face from the sun so that was nice! I'll send a photo of us two together cause the visor she has looks like one of those welding face shields.

So not much happened this week. Oh and I will be able to call you on Sunday at 4:00 my time. So 5 PM for you guys. I hope that works out! I am soooooooooooooo excited to talk with everyone. And of course mom because it will be mother's day.

I love you all! Say strong. Con Amor, Hermana Stohlton

P.S. this Friday I'll find out if I'm training or not! We have already received 4 or 5 new Spanish speaking sisters and are about to receive more!

con Hna. Nuebelly

May 13, 2013
Hola familia,

Well, we got our new companion! She is kind of reserved but she seems really nice. (And Hermana LaPierre is spending the day with us waiting for her new people she is training tomorrow.) Her name is Hermana Southworth. And she is from Cedar Hills Utah. So pretty close to us! She was studying at BYU some major that really studies the Old Testament and New Testament. So she actually started learning Hebrew. She has learned lots of languages except learning Spanish. So she said she was surprised to have been called to Spanish.She served the first couple months in Spanish, was switched to English, and now is back to Spanish. She feels nervous to return to Spanish. But she is doing well.

Right now I don't have the brain capacity to list off all of our investigators, but as I stated yesterday, if all goes to plan, we will have 9 baptisms for the month of June! Some investigators that you can really pray for are Rafael-we promised him if he reads two pages in the Book of Mormon a day, he will have the desire to get baptized. Pretty much, it's all up to him if he wants his answer. He's already had all the lessons so there really is not much more. So pretty soon he will be coming to us! Then we have Beatrice-she is a friend of Juan's. She has problemas with drugs and is about to lose all custody over her children in a court case. Then we have another Juan! A friend of Juan's. Juan III also has problems with drugs. They both really want a change in life. So we are helping them.

I am sooooo excited for my birthday! For Hermana J's which happened yesterday, Juan took us all out for lunch today at Pizza Hut. And he got her a present. It was hilarious! It was a fairly large white cat stuffed animal with a hat with roses on it. Then he was telling me that I didn't want to have a party. So I said, "Are you kidding me?! I want a pinata and horchata!" which made him laugh. But then for soccer on Saturday, he really is going to try and plan that out. So it might be exciting!

I also got a package from Oscar for my birthday. It was really nice of him! It had a stuffed animal puppy with his missionary plaque on it and some chocolates. That was a pleasant surprise.

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton

May 20, 2013
Oh familia,

This has been a wonderful week! I sure had a wonderful birthday celebration. I have received two packages cause the other one is at the post office. But I received the watch and little necklace of california. I love them they are so cute! First of all it is so weird to say I am 20 now! I am two decades old.....I feel my youth is gone now. jaja Today we went on a very lovely hike and it was just the sisters. So that was way fun! On our way we saw a girl who was just laying there and pretty soon behind us were fire-fighters. I think the girl had hit her head or something. Then before we knew it a helicopter went flying and was hovering above us, looking for a place to land. It sent tons of leaves flying at me! That was exciting.

Soccer was canceled on Saturday because nobody showed up. But we ended up meeting the two Juans at the church for a little bit. Juan Martinez was acting very suspicious though. He walked into the church holding a big pink box. (Which was obviously cake.) Later that night we had a late mother's day celebration and the priesthood cooked dinner. So Juan decided to wait for the surprise then. A member painted my nails, which was fun. It made me miss all my friends from home who would do that for me! Then the second counselor in the bishopric pulled me away from my table and told me to start walking backwards. So he lead me to outside and then told me to turn around. To my surprise, there was a Dora the Explorer pinata hanging up! I didn't think Juan was really going to get me one! So we were waiting for the kids to hover around and I gave the pinata a few good beatings. Then let the kids take a turn. And then Juan wanted me to take another turn, so then I destroyed that thing. It was fun watching all the ninos scrambling for the candy. So after that we came back inside. In the gym they had started their dance because they had rented a DJ so that the women could all dance after. It was HILARIOUS to see them all dancing to "My Achey Breaky Heart"but it being sung in Spanish. And especially one hermana who had on tight cheetah capris with heels. Then Juan brought out my cake and they put the dance on hold and everyone sang to me. After, they all started chanting, "Muerda lo! Muerda lo!" So I felt a little bit weird and hesitant to take a bite out of the cake with my teeth, the same cake everyone was going to be eating, but did anyway. Before I knew it this hand was on my head and my face got shoved into the cake! Everybody got a hoot out of watching the missionary get her face shoved in cake! And my first instinct was to breathe out of my nose, but couldn't cause frosting was shoved up my nostrils! Oh good times. Juan really went full out for my birthday! (See Birthday greetings to the family page - May 2013)

Other than that, we have picked up a new investigator, Jose. I can tell he is going to get baptized. We invited him to be baptized June 16 and right now he is 70 percent into it. But with time he will be ready. Beatrice and Juan are slightly struggling but we're still working on them. The mom of Beatrice, Sylvia has started joining in on the lessons. We gave Flor the baptismal date of June 2. She said yes but wanted to ask her mom, Lucia, first. Lucia went ballistic and called her sister, and then came to the conclusion that they were already baptized Catholic, so they are Catholic. Lucia has been so busy working so we haven't been able to teach her the restoration yet. So we are trying to get to her soon. But Flor is progressing well. We taught her the ten commandments and she is happy to live them. We also had a few other lessons on the spot, so we will follow up with those people and see how they are doing.

Oh yeah, we had slightly a crazy experience. So we had some extra time and decided to contact someone. So Hermana J was talking with someone else, and this guy out of nowhere comes up to me. We started speaking to him in Spanish and he got really irritated and said he could speak English perfectly fine. He was mumbling and saying stuff. What I heard was, "Can I murder you?" And so I said very surprised, "Are you asking if you can kill me?!" (Ready to run away of course) but he kept mumbling on and said no. (I felt terrified but relieved that he didn't want to kill me!) But I kept hearing the word kill and murder. He was begging for me to help him. He began telling me he grew up in a gang. He doesn't know anything different than putting a bullet between people's eyes and he wants to change. He was crying. He also told us that his granddaughter drowned in the pool and there was nothing he could do. And during the time he was talking, he must have been on some kind of drugs as well. But there was this kid that he saw that he wanted to beat up. He asked me if he could go beat him up and I told him NO! I said that is not a nice thing to do especially if he wants to change. And by doing that, it wouldn't help him at all. So he stayed put. jaja! But then he saw the kid again, but in a car and trying to leave in a hurry. He ran at the car and punched the window where the kid was sitting. I was still feeling very frightened at this point. But people like that are to be expected being so close to East LA! He ran back and apologized. We ended up praying with him and he begged us to come back. So we showed up the next day with a guy in our ward, Carlos Mares, who was in a gang at one point, so we felt more safe at least. The man had a horrible headache though, so we couldn't teach him. And we haven't been back since. But we may see him again this week!

So thank you very much for your prayers because they keep me safe! The power of prayer is amazing, so if you haven't prayed in a while, go pray right now and repent! Because this life is too dangerous without the communication and guidance from our Heavenly Father. I love you all!!!

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton
con Juan

May 28, 2013
Hola familia!

Well things have now changed! (Oh, the library was closed ayer due to Memorial Day.) Yesterday, we got a call from the AP's and Hermana J is being transferred to Tujunga (Glendale) and training a native. So it will just be me and Hna Southworth now. So my Spanish will definitely excel and I'll have to talk more cause I know more than Hna Southworth. I'm a little nervous though to keep up the good work and being able to. But I know good things are going to happen here. I'll probably be begging the Lord even more now for help!

We have given Juan III a baptismal date for June 23 which he accepted. He is really excited and wants help to avoid drugs. Also, Silvia, Beatriz's mom, has agreed to get baptized. We also gave her the date of June 23 but she is thinking about it. We have a lesson with her tonight. Her only problem right now that concerns me is she has work on Sundays so she would miss out on church. So we are praying for a way to open up for her.

Ronald, the crazy guy that approached me and told everything about his life, we met with him again and his family was there. They all accepted to continue listening to us. He was a lot more with it in the head this time! It was like a whole new person. Not the same Ronald that I first met. (Which I am not complaining about one bit!) He is really excited to learn and make sure all his family members participate.

Ronald, the crazy guy that approached me and told everything about his life, we met with him again and his family was there. They all accepted to continue listening to us. He was a lot more with it in the head this time! It was like a whole new person. Not the same Ronald that I first met. (Which I am not complaining about one bit!) He is really excited to learn and make sure all his family members participate.

And I'm really sorry, mom, that you went to all that trouble to get Lucia a Book of Mormon. I believe in the power of your testimony you left in it, though, to help her. But she pretty much told us every single chisme of her life. That she is not married and her "husband" is married to another lady, but Flor doesn't know that. And she told us she doesn't want to change. But I am definitely still going to deliver that Book of Mormon and pray for a miracle.

That's all my drama for this week, just about. But it was funny in RS, Hermana Escobar, an 80 year old lady, got a charlie horse during class. I see her stand up and drop to her knees. She started crawling very quickly down the row. Then she rolls over and rests her head on some hermana's lap. (The hermana was taking a nap and was snoring and didn't even notice.) Her body was in a really weird contorted angle. At that time, the dinner calendar is being passed around for them to sign up, and meanwhile another hermana is massaging Hermana Escobar's knee for her. Then Hermana Escobar is saying in her little voice, "jueves a las cinco!" She just keeps repeating that until someone signs her up. She is in so much pain and agony and her first concern is signing up to serve dinner to the missionaries. Oh my! Oh, and class hadn't even stopped. The hermana just kept teaching as if nothing was even happening. So that was funny!

Well, I love you all and thank you so much for the packages! They were so much fun! I now have a nice stock of treats from everyone to keep me going! Best thing ever!

No matter how tough life may seem, remember that Heavenly Father is aware of every single need that you have, and has not forgotten you!

Hermana Stohlton

June 3, 2013
Como les va familia??!!!

Well this week sure was interesting. It was my first week without Hermana Johnson. It felt really weird at first. But since I'm the more experienced one in the area, I am kind of taking the lead. The day after Hermana Johnson left (so our first day completely alone) I was so sick. I could not eat anything, or else I would for sure throw up. Then to top it off, I had a pounding headache. It made things really rocky, and I actually shed tears for the first time in about two years! But I was pretending to take a nap during lunch so that I could cry a little, because I still needed to appear strong for Hermana Southworth because she is very timid. We were not having any success at all that day, except for one house where the dad seemed very interested, and without us really saying anything, he asked for the address of the church and what time it started. He invited us to come back soon for a lesson! (We haven't seen him yet) So that little thing made everything better!

Ronald, the crazy drunk guy that has supposedly killed someone, he and his family are really interested. They want a huge change in their house. He said his friends were coming over, doing crystal meth, and stealing money from him and he wants that to stop. He was almost kicked out of the apartment complex for good, but then for some reason was able to stay. It will be pretty fun teaching him I think. We've learned a lot new terms from him....

We ended up dropping Flor because she said even if God asked her to be baptized into this church, she wouldn't because she's been baptized as a Catholic and can't get baptized again. She looked surprised, though, when I told her we wouldn't be coming back to visit her. She really liked having lessons with us, but she was not willing to change so we had to say goodbye.

Then we had a zone conference and President Becerra was emphasizing that we need to teach repentance even more, and invite people to baptism and try and have a date for them at the very first lesson. We've been doing that, except usually don't give them a date until the second lesson, but I guess we'll change that up then! Also, he said President Monson has called for a special meeting for the church leaders and full-time missionaries on June 23rd. It will be broadcast from the Marriott Center. This is the first time in history this has ever happened! President Becerra said that this takes priority over everything. Even if we have a baptism, we need to reschedule that. And as a mission we will be fasting. I'm really excited to hear what the Prophet and a few of the Quorum of the 12 have to say. Amos 3:7. I wonder what secret the Lord has told the prophet that is causing us to meet together!

Last week, we were in an apartment complex looking for a menos activo. The apartment complex is really confusing, and we saw a lady, so we asked her if she knew where it was. She didn't know, and for some reason gave us her own apartment number. And we got her name as well, Rupina. So being missionaries, of course we wrote that information down. So this week, we decided to go try and see her. She looked really surprised to see us at the door. So I began, Hola Rupina! And she still looked confused, I explained to her she was the one who helped us find the apartment last week, and then she remembered. She asked us why we were here and I said, "Oh we just wanted to visit you and see how you're doing". Then I heard the golden word, "Pasenles!" As we entered, I knew that we would be teaching the Restoration. But of course we small talked and got to know her for ten minutes, as well as her daughter, Yanali. As we were chatting, there was a knock on the door. It was one of Rupina's friends, Jameth, who also lives in the complex. So Hna Southworth and I invited her in (not even Rupina), and got to know her as well. Then they asked us, "So what are you going to share with us"? So that's when the Restoration began. They loved it and all agreed to be baptized! Jameth especially loved it, though. She was saying, "I just feel so good right now, this is what I always wanted", and started slapping her chest. Oh the Spirit was so strong! Without us asking them, they also said that they want to read in the Book of Mormon, pray and go to church to find out if it's true. I am so excited to work with them!

As you can see, all you have to do is be a good boy or girl, follow the commandments, and you will always be in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, because the Spirit will be with you. And if you're in the wrong place, the Spirit will warn you. So just be righteous! I love you all and you're always in my prayers.

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton

June 10, 2013
Ay chihuahua familia,

This week was a little rough, but I will focus on the good that has happened. So we have a new investigator, Jameth, (the one that knocked on the door when we we were visiting the lady that tried to help us find the apartment of the less active) who has been very well prepared to receive this message. She has no problems with anything so far and has agreed to be baptized June 30. She is so excited about going to church. My only fear is she may be converting a little bit more to us than the gospel. (I mean, I don't blame her. We are quite charming, after all-- jajaja--not really.) So we have been finding her friends in the Relief Society and she gets along great with them.

Other than that, we only found people to give away as referrals, and that pretty much sums up my week....

Nothing too crazy has happened. We went and visited a menos activo that wants to start coming back to church. She just had her wisdom tooth taken out, and I think we arrived shortly after she took some medicine. She was very loopy and I wonder if she'll even remember our visit. Before we left, she came walking up to us with a canteloupe and gave it to us. So we said thanks, and in a very loopy voice she said, "It's because I love you." Hma Southworth and I looked at each other and then I suggested to her, "Why don't you go lay down now?" She could barely walk straight. Hopefully she is recovering now. It's amazing, though, to see how willing they are to serve even when things are hard. It is such a great example to me. The latinos are a very loving people and I feel so privileged to be working with them.

I hope everybody is happy and living in a way that your Heavenly Father is pleased with. This really is the only true path to happiness, and in order to find it, you have to act. I love you all!

This sounds dumb coming from the missionary, but do you know of any good scriptures that could help give me a boost? Lately it's been a little rough to be completely focused and motivated with not too much success happening.

June 17, 2013
Greetings to the Stohlton Familia,

How is everyone doing? Thanks for those words mom. It sure gave me a boost in spirit! And happy fathers day to all the wonderful men in this family. Especially Papi! (Tu carta llegara mas tarde)

This last week has been better. Jameth is still doing really well. She didn't have a skirt or shoes for church, so we went to the Goodwill and picked some out for her. She just loved the skirt, but she complained that the high heels we found for her were too tall. The reason is cause she had knee surgery, so they are very painful to wear. I thought I had done a great job picking things out, though, and felt sad we had to take back the shoes. So mom, I have felt a little bit of your pain for all the years you have shopped for me and I complained about what you got me....oops! That's why the mission is great, though. You really realize what there is to be grateful about.

Today was a little bit weird cause we attended a funeral for someone in my stake and we were part of the choir. It was really fun singing. But after attending, it really made me think deeply of my life and what I'm making of it, and if I'm doing what the Lord really wants me to do. As of now, I can say that I am.

For Father's Day we went to Pepperbrook Park and had a BBQ for the fathers. Of course I ended up playing with all the kids on the playground! I don't know how that always happens, but I sure do love it.

Last week we went on exchanges. I went to West Covina with Hermana Johnson. A different Johnson than my previous companion. We entered the MTC the same day, but I left before her. It was lots of fun! We ended up staying up late, just chatting and talking about life. It was much needed because so far I haven't had a companion that I have really connected with, or have lots of the same interests. So we sure enjoyed our time! Lots of the appointments fell through, but we contacted some of the neighbors close by since she had never done that before. She said that it was the most she had ever talked in one day cause Hermana Jardon, (who is a native) usually does all the talking and takes over. So that was good she got a confidence boost!

One funny incident happened when we received a referral. We went to contact them and since they actually had a doorbell, I pressed it. On came this extremely loud noise that sounded like an alarm. It went off about four times. I had no idea what to do! I was about ready to take off running when they opened the door. The lady was Asian and didn't know any English. But it was something that was so unexpected that we laughed for a while. I wish you could've heard the doorbell to hear how it sounded!

Alright familia, I love you all! Keep on going in your lives and seek opportunities to bring people into the gospel!

Con Amor, Hermana Taryn Stohlton

Table of Contents:
Intro, Pre Mission for-fun voting, Mailing Address
Prophetic Call/Accept/President/Welcome
Mission Maps/Mission Office
Temple Day - January 22, 2013
Farewell Reception - January 27, 2013
Missionary Set Apart - February 19, 2013
MTC 1st Day - drop off February 20, 20131
MTC February-March 2013
Arrial in Arcadia - March 4, 2013
1st Area March 2013 - La Puente - Covina West Zone
2nd Area June 2013 - San Gabriel - North East LA Zone
3rd Area December 2013 - Chino - East Zone
4th Area July 2014 - Arroyo - East LA North Zone
Birthday greetings to the family

CA-Arcadia Mission Video (youtube posting)
Elder Braden Stohlton's website